About Us

Our mission is to catalyze deliberately developmental organizations to increase their impact through organizational clarity, developmentally-minded leadership, and talent optimization.

Our team helping yours

Kelly Atkinson


Shawn Griesemer


Justin Dorroh


Heather Johansen


Our Values

Our values matter to us. They aren't just statements, they are our culture.

  • Servant-Oriented - We add value and serve every relationship we engage in
  • Deliberately Developmental - We deliberately seek development and growth in all areas of the organization
  • Experience Driven - We bring our best from our experiences, competencies and skills or weĀ help find others to best meet our client's needsĀ 


We add value and serve every relationship we engage in

At Leap, we view every relationship as an opportunity to add value to someone else's life. We take the opportunity to serve others seriously. Serving others by utilizing the talents and skills we have been given, to help them fully unlock their potential isn't just a catchy phrase to's a passion!

We deliberately seek development and growth in all areas of the organization

It's easy to say, "We want to be learners." Doing it as a lifestyle, on the other hand, is anything but easy. At Leap, we have created a culture of growth and development throughout our organization so we truly understand what we are asking our clients to do. Daily seeking to both grow and develop is not easy, but we have found it to be unbelievably rewarding, not only for our own lives, but for all of those around us.

We bring our best from our experiences, competencies and skills or weĀ help find others to best meet our client's needs

We spent our years in business and the non-profit sector getting formal and on-the-job training. We are developers at heart and know that real-world work situations are the best training ground. We started Leap so we could take the areas we gained expertise and offer it to a greater number of people. We know what we do well, and we won't say yes outside of that.

Contact our consultants

Request a free demo or a meeting with one of our consultants